10 questions about PCOS answered by the best doctors for PCOS treatment hospital in Hyderabad

This article explains PCOS and some of the most frequently asked questions about PCOS answered by the best doctors from PCOS treatment hospital in Hyderabad . What is PCOS? PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome. One of the most common endocrine conditions affecting many women. According to the best PCOS treatment hospital in Hyderabad , on e out of every 10 women suffers from this condition. It is a hormonal endocrine disorder and causes infertility in women. It often leads to a hormone imbalance in the body. Elevated levels of androgens in women, may lead to irregular menstrual cycles, increased hair growth, acne, and insulin resistance. What is the root cause of PCOS? The exact reason is unknown. Evidence says that it may be due to genetics but other factors like high level of androgens are also a cause. How would I know I am suffering from PCOS? It is to be noted that every woman suffering from PCOS will not have the same symptoms. It differs from woman to wo...